Saturday, April 16, 2011

Moscow Bound

Back in the old USSR, things were rather bleak with regard to contemporary art.
In fact relations with the creative spirit were so bad after the Cuba missile crisis that I grew up with the misconception that the evil empire of the Cold War was as real as Ronald Reagan was an actor.

But thanks to Gorbachev's Perestroika and Glasnost the end spelled the beginning for warmer relations with other superpowers.

Russian history is as big and awe inspiring as the amount of land it occupies. A primer on Eastern European history is a worthy lesson as yet unlearned by many of us here in the "new" world. But that is changing.

If we know anything about Russia today it is that Moscow is a very big and modern metropolitan destination for any traveler, but to go there, you will want to get an invitation.

The Garage CCC and Dasha Zhukova have invited Swampthing to visit Moscow Russia.

I'll be there to participate in an exhibition titled "New York Minute" which will feature works by my pal Kenny Scharf and others. You can see Kenny's Cosmic Caverns at the Wynwood Walls in Miami, at the MOCA in LA and of course in NY where it all began.

So tune in to get the latest updates from Russia with swampy Love...
if i could only figure out which are the Enter/Exit signs.


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